
COVID-19 Measures
at Med Uni Graz

Based on the current state of knowledge and the current national recommendations
Effective as of January 


General inquiries about COVID-19 


Inquiries about studies regarding COVID-19 

Basic Rules of Behavior

Wearing of FFP2-masks

In the immediate workplace, the mask requirement is only waived if there is a workroom for individual use.

For the clinical area - insofar as this directly or indirectly affects patient care - the current requirements of the KAGes apply (currently the basic obligation to wear an FFP2 mask in all relevant rooms at the LKH-Univ. Klinikum Graz).

Washing and disinfecting

After entering the university building, the request is made to wash or disinfect your hands as soon as possible and to repeat washing regularly and thoroughly (at least 30 seconds) throughout the day.

Respiratory hygiene

Cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or flexed elbow when you cough or sneeze.

The used tissue should be disposed of immediately in the residual waste bin.

Disinfection of frequently used surfaces

While the cleaning service provides regular cleaning, it is recommended that users disinfect frequently used surfaces, such as desks, computer mice, and keyboards, on a daily basis. This is especially important if the surfaces are used by many different people.

Regular airing of rooms

If the spatial conditions allow, all rooms are to be ventilated regularly for a few minutes (ideally hourly cross ventilation).

Additional regulations

Courses & examinations

Courses and examinations are offered in compliance with the currently valid COVID-19 prevention measures, both face-to-face and via online formats. Students and lecturers can find detailed information on the intranet.


The same precautions and hygiene measures apply to research operations as in other areas.

External contractors

The hygiene measures described above also apply in full to external contractors and service providers.

Special at-risk groups

COVID-19 risk group

The COVID-19 At-Risk Group Ordinance lists the medical reasons (indications) for a person’s inclusion in a COVID-19 at-risk group. A physician can issue a COVID-19 at-risk certificate on the basis of these indications.

Those who are assigned to one of these groups will receive a letter with information from the organisation that represents all social insurance institutions in Austria. The staff member can present this letter to their attending physician, who will make an assessment based on the risk associated with contracting COVID-19 and, if necessary, issue a COVID-19 at-risk certificate.

It is also possible to visit the doctor before receiving the letter, although an at-risk certificate can only be issued in cases of serious illness. The at-risk groups have been defined in the ordinance issued by the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection in agreement with the Federal Ministry of Labour, Family and Youth. The persons at risk can present the at-risk certificate to the head of the institute/organisational unit. The latter must check whether teleworking is possible or adequate changes in the working conditions can be made in order to reduce the infection risk as much as possible. If necessary, please contact the Preventive Services for advice. If these options are not possible, the person at risk is entitled to take time off with continued remuneration.

Pregnant Women

In accordance with the recommendations made by the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, the Labour Inspectorate bases its statements on the following information:

  • According to the WHO and the data it has received from China, pregnant women do not appear to have an increased risk of severe disease progression. However, based on the few studies and case reports available from China regarding the immune reactions in new-born babies available to date, the transmission of the virus in the womb cannot be ruled out.

However, there are not yet enough data to answer these and other questions about the effects of COVID-19 in pregnancy with certainty. Accordingly, no legal basis for pregnant women to take a leave of absence from work currently exists, but the following measures must be followed:

  • Pregnant women are not allowed to work in locations where FFP2 or FFP3 masks must be worn (for occupational safety reasons). These masks make breathing difficult and, therefore, cannot be used by pregnant women. However, pregnant women can wear an MNS mask. It is recommended that a pregnant woman takes a break at least every hour (also due to the breathing resistance caused by the mask) or more frequently if the pregnant woman experiences dizziness, headaches, or shortness of breath. Pregnant women should not perform disinfection work during presence examinations.
  • If possible, pregnant women should not be employed in areas where the risk of personal contact is increased but should be employed elsewhere in the organisational unit/institute or via telework. All restrictions and measures that are defined in the respective maternity protection evaluations must continue to be observed.