Ich bin ... Wissenschafter*in

I am ... a scientist

Do you work in science and research and are you interested in cooperating with our university in order to expand your network or find partners for a research project? We would be happy to provide you an overview of our services in the hope of welcoming you as a cooperation partner soon.

An innovative research environment at a glance


University Campus

Our university campus is a place where the clinical and non-clinical areas of the Medical University of Graz are brought together. This is where Med Uni Graz creates profiles and emphases in teaching, research and patient care and makes optimal use of resources and synergies.

Forschungszentren & Institute

Research Centers and Institutes

Teaching, research and diagnostics are carried out according to the biopsychosocial model in three basic research centers and four unaffiliated institutes. This pooling of strengths into the research centers makes the dimension and content of research potential visible both inside and outside.


University Departments

At 18 university departments, our University Hospital Graz staff provide first-class and personalized patient care, receive innovative and practice-oriented education and conduct forward-looking and excellent research. The departments are led by professors in the respective specialist fields who are employed by the Medical University of Graz.


University Library

University Library is a public library that is open to all. Readers have a choice of 180 seats where they can study and work. 52 fully equipped IT workspaces provide the most modern infrastructure for our visitors. The books, journals and electronic resources may be used within the library without any restrictions.


Biobank Graz

Biobank Graz houses a collection of human biological specimens and associated data that is well structured and ready to be analyzed. With around 20 million biological specimens, it is one of the largest clinical biobanks in Europe. The goal of Biobank Graz is to improve health care for the population.

Biomedizinische Forschung

Biomedical Research (BMF)

Biomedical Research is responsible for caring for laboratory animals at different hygiene levels and provides research projects with special infrastructure and special lab areas. Given the strict legal and ethical requirements for animal experimentation, Biomedical Research supports researchers in planning and executing tests as well as evaluating existing methods and developing new alternative methods (3R).


Center for Medical Research (ZMF)

The Center for Medical Research provides first-class infrastructure for point-of-care research. Specially constructed to meet the requirements of biomedical research, the modern building is located in the center of University Hospital Graz and in direct proximity to university campus. More than 4,000 square meters of well-equipped laboratories and offices as well as excellent core facilities are available for services.

Zentrum für Wissenstransfer

Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer (ZWT)

The Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Medicine is directly connected to Med Uni Graz and University Hospital Graz. As co-owner of the center, the Styrian Business Promotion Agency (SFG) supports close networking with the industry. Research space is available at the center for innovative companies in the area of life sciences.