Research Portal

The Research Portal is the public and freely accessible part of the Med Uni Graz research information system. It provides comprehensive information on the achievements of researchers and their activities and serves as the business card for research at Med Uni Graz.

The Research Portal contains more than 1,880 researcher profiles, almost 6,000 research projects and more than 120,000 publications. The data is linked with a large number of external databases including Pubmed, Web of Science, ORCID, the project database of the FWF, Pubmed Central, Altmetric and Dimensions.


Want an example?

Click here to discover a visual representation of global Twitter activity on a Med Uni Graz publication by country (doi: 10.1271/journal.pone.0088278).

Discover country-specific representation


Gueton Perdomo Martin 
T: +43 316 385 74089