Fahnen am MED CAMPUS

"Pioneering Minds – Research and Education for Patients' Health and Well-being“

In the spirit of this motto, the broad field of competence at Medical University of Graz rests on three main pillars:

  • Future-oriented and innovative education for students and people interested in professional development
  • Competitive and internationally networked cutting-edge research from basic science to clinical application
  • Personalized and state-of-the-art patient care at University Hospital Graz

Everyone at Med Uni Graz is involved in implementing its manifold projects: Scientists, researchers, doctors, students, teachers and many other staff members in different occupational groups see themselves as pioneering minds that make up the spirit and innovative power of Med Uni Graz through their daily work and their respectful and open cooperation.


Rector's Office 
T: +43 316 385 72011