Vizerektorin für Finanzmanagement, Recht und Digitalisierung Manuela Groß - Foto: Helmut Lunghammer

Vice Rector of Financial Management, Legal Matters and Digitalization


Manuela Gross

Manuela Groß completed a degree in business studies at the University of Graz and at the De Haagse Hogeschool in the Hague as well as an MBA program at California State University in Long Beach, Los Angeles. In addition to her many years of management experience, Groß has extensive expertise in the commercial sector from a variety of jobs in commercial and noncommercial companies in Austria and abroad. She was employed by KAGes and at Memorial Medical Center in Long Beach, Los Angeles. For many years she was responsible for all financial affairs at Graz University of Technology including the development and (re)organization of financial structures and processes. As Director of Finance and Administration at Know-Center GmbH in Graz, Groß was in charge of all strategic, operative commercial and economic matters as well as funding management, and she initiated and supported spin-offs. Before joining Med Uni Graz, she was Executive Vice President for Finances and IT at the Medical University of Innsbruck.


Office of the Vice Rector of Financial Management, Legal Affairs and Digitalization 


Cornelia Gogg  
T: +43 664 8126385