
One in three people will contract cancer over the course of their life. Although cancer is still a common cause of death, great progress has been made in diagnosis, early detection, prevention and treatment as a result of intensive cancer research in recent decades. The Medical University of Graz conducts intensive research in all of these areas.

Amin El-Heliebi

"Cancer research can only succeed through interdisciplinary networking of fundamental, application-oriented and clinical researchers. The goal is to be able to apply molecularly targeted therapies from precision medicine through digital networking for the good of patients."


Amin El-Heliebi, spokesperson of the research field


Our focus

  • Liquid biopsy and precision oncology
  • Tumor immunology and immunotherapy
  • Cancer metabolism, diet and cancer
  • Biology of cancer, experimental therapeutics and non-coding RNA
  • Tumor microenvironment and extracellular vesicles
  • Big data (patients, cancer, therapies)—digitization
  • Palliative care and psycho-oncology

Our networks

  • Within Med Uni Graz (e.g., University Comprehensive Cancer Center Graz, research fields, PhD programs)
  • In Graz (e.g., BioTechMed-Graz, CBmed)
  • National (e.g., Austrian Platform for Personalized Medicine/ÖPPM, Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft der Ärzt*innen/Scientific Society of Physicians, professional societies)
  • International (e.g., research networks, universities, research centers, companies)


Research field cancer research