Fassade MED CAMPUS Graz

The Senate is one of the highest governing bodies of the university along with the Rectorate and the University Council. Its responsibilities include enacting the statutes, approving curricula, cooperating on habilitation and appointment procedures and proposing three candidates for the election of a rector to the University Council. The Senate is composed of members of all groups of the university community (university professors, non-professorial teaching staff, general university staff and students).


The Senate has 18 members, whose terms last three years:


  • Akos Heinemann, Chair
  • Norbert Jakse, First Deputy Chair
  • Sandra Holasek, Second Deputy Chair
  • Karl Öttl, Secretary
  • Johanna Brehmer, Deputy Secretary


  • Andrea Siebenhofer-Kroitzsch
  • Freyja-Maria Smolle-Jüttner
  • Andrea Berghold
  • Lars Kamolz
  • Barbara Obermayer-Pietsch
  • Norbert Jakse
  • Tobias Madl
  • Akos Heinemann
  • Christa Lohrmann

Non-professorial teaching staff

  • Sandra Holasek
  • Zajic Paul
  • Mader Julia
  • Karl Öttl

General university staff

  • Claudia Krainer


  • Johanna Brehmer
  • Henrik Abeln
  • Lukas Jager
  • Nicola Lienhardt

Office of the Senate

Beate Emminger 
T: +43 316 385 72037

Office of the Senate

Andrea Vallant 
T: +43 316 385 72041