Bachelorstudium Humanmedizin

Bachelor's Degree Program in Medicine

The joint bachelor's degree program in medicine at Johannes Kepler University Linz and the Medical University of Graz provides a broad basic education for physicians based on high-quality methods and guaranteed by its teaching of ethical principles, communication skills and basic practical medical skills. 

Through teamwork and internships, students develop not only professional competence but also social competence, the ability to cooperate with colleagues, superiors and members of the medical profession as well as the ability to effectively communicate with patients.

Credit transfer/examination recognition

According to § 78 of the Universities Act, positively assessed examinations that degree program students have taken at an accredited postsecondary educational institution in Austria or abroad, a vocational secondary school, a higher education institute for teacher and educator training, in degree programs at accredited educational institutions in Austria that require the general university entrance qualification for admissions or in a postgraduate course similar to a university program are to be recognized by the body responsible for study law in the form of a notice upon application of the degree program student as long as these examinations are equivalent to those described in the curriculum.

Recognition of certificates of prior education

Submit the “Application for credit transfer/examination recognition" form to the Office of Examinations and Recognition Services at JKU Linz. Please fill out the form (see the JKU Linz website) completely and include all required credentials and course content. Send your request to the following email address: anerkennung-med(at)