Students in the Master's Degree in Nursing Science program are qualified to investigate and critically evaluate (current) research findings. They process and communicate them in their daily routine in order to implement them in their nursing practice and evaluate the resulting findings. They recognize problems in practice and can initiate changes/improvements, implementing them in the spirit of best practice while taking on a leading role in this process. They can participate in research projects and conduct statistical and content analyses. They are able to instruct and support individuals/teams in the application of evidence-based knowledge with the goal of planning and providing high-quality nursing/care to individuals, groups and populations. They known how to implement outcome measures and create evidence-based products and recommendations. The skills that they learn serve as the basis for lifelong learning. Social competences are developed through regular group work with rotating members and with national and international students/instructors. Students learn how to discuss, critique, manage group processes, independently evaluate and argue as well as how to consolidate this knowledge. Beyond professional qualifications, other competences should be achieved that are useful in a broad range of professions/fields, for example communication and team skills, IT skills (databases, internet, etc.), foreign language skills and intercultural exchange as well as independent learning and self-management as the basis for lifelong learning.