Otto Loewi Forschungszentrum

Four divisions of the Medical University of Graz pool their competencies at the Otto Loewi Research Center for Vascular Biology, Immunology and Inflammmation. This pooling of existing expertise creates an internationally visible, competitive and cutting-edge research portfolio and helps guarantee research-led teaching and professional training in the individual disciplines.


Claudia Krainer 
T: +43 316 385 74111
F: +43 316 385 79613
Strategic Committee

Strategy committee

The strategic planning and coordination of the research centers is conducted by the respective strategy committee. It consists of a maximum of 12 research team leaders who have distinguished themselves through special scientific achievements. The joint strategic staff, room and infrastructure plan aims to promote cooperation within the university and to contribute to its external profile, attracting better competitive third-party funding and tapping potential synergies beyond the research center.